About Us

We are entering our 50th year helping preschool children grow in the Lord here at Neffsville Christian Preschool!  We are happy to provide a safe, loving, and quality educational experience for your child.  Our classes  are for children ages 2 1/2 through 5 which meet 2, 3, 4, or 5 mornings per week from 9:30-12:30 each day.  We also offer science-centered and  early-literacy enrichment classes for our Pre-K children to even better prepare them for the demands of kindergarten in our area school districts. We do offer Lunch Bunch every Wednesday so that our 4 and 5 year old students  have an opportunity to extend their day with lunch and extra time to play and learn.  We are very excited to partner with you in creating positive experiences for your child socially, emotionally, physically, educationally and most importantly, spiritually.  NCP is sponsored by the Long Memorial United Methodist Church.  It is a Christian school and the Bible…both Old and New Testaments are taught as the Word of God.

Although COVID-19 appears to have died down, we are cautiuosly optomistic and continue to seek direction from the CDC.  We will reevaluate our COVID-19 policy throughout the year.

Happy Summer Everyone but also SAVE THESE DATES!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL:  July 7-11 from 5:30-8pm for children ages 4-12.  Christmas in July:  The Real Story.  Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11FxExYFR-InbkgvvQHklamKE6ppatvPLgoyTdHjIqSE/edit


Meet the Teacher Days:  Sept. 4:  Our 2.5’s and our 4/5’s classes.  Sept 5: Our 3’s classes

First Days of School:  Sept 6: Our 2.5’s and our 4/5’s classes.  Sept. 10: Our 3’s classes and Enrichment classes

Our Family Picnic: Sunday, Sept 8 from 4-6pm at Manheim Township Community Park (Kiwanis II Pavilion)  Weather Permitting


Click on the arrow below to see our Promotional Video from Fall 2020:  You will notice at that time, we were wearing faceshields and/or masks, due to COVID-19.