N.C.P. Registration Form for 2024-2025
Registration for current or past families begins on February 21, 2024 and open registration begins on March 1, 2024
Classes fill up quickly so please check with the director to be sure there is a spot for your child BEFORE mailing it to the preschool.
Please print this form, fill it out, and mail it,
with registration fee, to:
Neffsville Christian Preschool
2660 Lititz Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
Child’s Name ____________________________________
My child’s goes by this name ________________________
Gender ________ Age _____ Birthday ________________
Parents’ Names __________________________________
Street __________________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________
Phone Number ___________________________________
Email ___________________________________________
Caregiver’s Contact Information if different from parent
NOTE: In order to register for preschool, a $60 non-
refundable registration fee must accompany this form.
When registering more than one child in a family,
there is a discount of $10 per child.
Please check the class/classes you prefer.
All classes meet from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.**We have added 30 minutes to our preschool day!**
Pre-K Classes
___ M/W/F 5-Year-Old Class (5 by 11/1/24) $ 1720.00
___ M/W/F 4 & 5-Year-Old Class (4 by 9/1/24) $ 1720.00
Pre-K Enrichment Day Options for 4 & 5-Year-Olds
*circle day preference(s)*
___ Tuesday OR Thursday STEM Enrichment $ 472
___ Tuesday OR Thursday Literacy Enrichment $ 472
___ Both Enrichment Days $ 944
3-Year-Old Preschool Class
___ Tuesday/Thursday (3 by 9/1/24) $ 1180.00
___ Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday (3 by 9/1/24) $ 1720.00
2½-Year-Old Toddler Class
___ Monday/Friday (2 by 3/1/24) $ 1180.00
Payment may be made quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
Contact the director for more information about the Parent Helper Discount or for information about scholarships.
On the Home Page, you will find links to sign up for a tour in January or February. You are welcome to contact the Director, Carol Zartman, at 717-314-9405 or email her at carolzartman.ncns@gmail.com.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6