At NCP we strive to make sure our students are safe in a number of ways. When our front doors are open during drop off and pick up, a staff member will always be at the door to greet grown ups coming into the building. If we do not recognize an adult, we will ask for ID. During the school day, when the classes are in session, the doors will remain locked and adults entering the building are asked to go to the back door to be buzzed in. We do not allow unknown people to enter our building.
To prepare our students for emergency situations that may arise, we have emergency plans in place. We make sure to talk about emergency situations before they arise by practicing fire drill safety or “playing possum” for a terror threat. We make sure to introduce each emergency drill in a calm, age appropriate way.
Emergency and Safety plans include:
- Fire Drills
- Severe storm emergency plan
- External Materials Release plan
- Terror Incident
- Emergency Plan of Action for any unidentified emergency
- Secured Building
- Video intercom for adults entering the building during the school day
- Staff identification
- Covid-19
- Procedures for cleaning/ sanitizing toys and materials
If you’d like more information on any of the safety plans we have in place, please contact our director, Carol Zartman at 717-314-9405 or fill out the “Contact Us” form